I've learned to pick and choose my battles with Millie. Shoes, clothes, work papers and human food are all off limits (well, except for an occasional scoop of low-fat peanut butter to get her to eat her heartworm pill). But, everything can't be no. So, if she gets her hands on an empty box every now and then, I've decided to be OK with that.
One of her favorite things to shred is empty cases of Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper. Fortunately for her, her parents are highly addicted to them (dad to DC, mom to DDP), so there are plenty of opportunities. The good thing is that she does not actually eat the box. She just shreds it. Into a million pieces. It's a great distraction that lasts about 30 minutes. It does create a big mess, but if it buys me a little time when I need a break myself, it's all worth it!
Bailey tends to think it's a tad immature. But don't let the pictures fool you. She is the one I have to watch because, once the destruction is complete, she will eat the tiny pieces of cardboard. Also, I know she enjoys the break, too. Because if Millie is spending her time chewing apart a box, it just means Bailey is on reprieve from being chewed herself.