For us, there was no question on whether or not it had to come off again. Mainly because, well, let's just leave it at the tumor was super yuck and causing even more super yuck issues in her inner ear as far as cleanliness and odor goes. Left alone, it would continue to grow and potentially spread to the rest of her body. And continue to create more super yuck.
Our vet has performed countless surgeries on Bailey and her tumors, so he knew that, despite her age, she was a good responder to anesthesia, had never had adverse reactions or any trouble waking up. So, we all agreed to proceed with the surgery. The unfortunate part was in order to get the needed full-centimeter of clean tissue around the tumor, he would have to cut out part of her ear.
Like most dogs, especially Basset Hounds, Bailey is not vain. Cut out a part of her ear? No problem. For us, we were a little more concerned about that aspect-- her infamous shorter-than-average but still perfect to us Basset Hound ears might now be lopsided. But, with her health taking priority over her looks, we quickly put our vanity aside and never thought twice about having it done. We had no idea what to expect when she emerged from the surgery. My thoughts immediately went to an Easter card someone once gave me:

Would that be our Bailey?
Fortunately, her story ends happier than that of the chocolate bunnies. She has a small sliver of her ear cut out, but it is in the back part and it folds over naturally, so if you did not know, you couldn't tell.
And yes, she can still hear us just fine. And the rattling of any paper, and the sound of the pantry opening and the sound of Millie trying to sneak her food. So, we are all good!
So glad Bailey is doing well after her surgery! Give her some kisses for me!